
Thrice the Desitin hath attacked!

Well It all started at Nana’s house. Nana always puts lotion on, no matter what. So Alora decided that while she was staying with Nana that she too must have lotion on, no matter what. While at Nana’s, and supposedly taking a nap, Alora found the desitin bottle and proceeded to decorate herself, the carpet (when of course it wouldn’t come off her fingers) and anything else in the room the “lotion” would help. That was Incident number 1.

Incident number 2 happened 2 days after Alora got back home from Nana’s house. Jason and I were upstairs occupied with something. When I heard Jason go downstairs and say “What Have you DONE?” As I come galloping down the stairs to see Alora’s hands smothered in Desitin and her toes and feet pearly white (I did not get to see her legs but apparently that’s where the brunt of it was). Also the carpet and couch received it’s fair share of the lovely white goop. So dad washed up Alora and I scrubbed down the furniture and carpet. We moved the Desitins. One went in the laundry room up and away and the other one went on top of the tallest dresser in the girls room. Out of reach, right?

Incident number 3, yesterday was not that bad of a day as far as being day number 2 home alone with the two girls with only 14 days of recovery time from giving birth. I was excited. Ok, maybe not that, worn out and hopeful that I could survive until Jason got home. I put Alora down for a nap and heard her rummaging around, I didn’t have the energy to reprimand her so i decided to give her 20 minutes to unwind herself. After about 20 minutes all is quite, except for this weird sound that kept randomly occuring. So i crept upstairs and opened the door to see my angel curled up with her back to me and discovered the sound to be her fiercely sucking her thumb. As I surveyed the room I realized it smelled very “fresh”, which when you have a diaper pail in a nursery, it never smells “fresh”. So in more detail i realize i see little white streaks on the carpet. But when I look to see the Desitin it’s still on the tippy top of the dresser in the same spot. Well she was sleeping so soundly it wasn’t worth disturbing the peace. I came downstairs proud of the mom I had become, that I wasn’t aggressive and upset, but passive and realize it will clean just as easy in an hour as right now. Until I read the other bottle of Desitin down in the laundry room and realized it said if swallowed call Poison Control immediately. So I shot back upstairs (after reasoning with my husband on the phone first) and crept into her room to check her mouth and face. It all seemed clear. So once nap was over Alora and I spent an hour cleaning the mess in her room and taking her pants to be washed, since she did “only need lotion for my legs mommy.” But for those of you who are curious, it does come out of clothes quite easily with no stains and my daughter has the smoothest legs in the 49 contigent states.

I’d like to say that was the end of the day but much to my chagrin, NO. Alora is enrolled in an indoor play gym which she and I both love. But because of it she has great gymnastic feats, no fear and loves to climb. So when Jason and I put her to bed last night she was climbing everywhere! We moved some furniture in the room in hopes that that would end the “monkeying around.” Unfortunately no. Minutes later we hear a loud crash and screams of pain. Jason and I dart upstairs to see the tall dresser (Yes remember the one with the Desitin on top of it) laying on top of Alora’s bed and Alora with all of the drawers out and things on top shattered. Once we did damage control and put the furniture back and Alora at peace we saw the humdinger of a cut and black eye.  My dad said ” Well she’s two and half and hasn’t had stitches yet!” And that ends day 2!

So for the tally on the second day home alone with the girls: 4 episodes of mommy crying, a couple o spanks, lots of talking to, one empty Desitin tube, 2 broken Precious Moments and a deep scratch right outside Alora’s eye.

Written by Chips in: The Family |


  • Angie

    Oh my goodness!! I’m glad everyone’s stil alive after all that excitement!!

    Well, if you can survive the last two days with your temper intact, I think you should be nominated for sainthood or at least some sort of fanatastic award.

    Be blessed and I’m praying today is easier for you!!

    Comment | May 15, 2008
  • Brenda

    I won’t even read the destin story outloud to Carli for the chance that somehow she will understand it completely and think it is a great idea. Good luck
    Abbie is beautiful.

    Comment | May 19, 2008

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